When I left home, I was thought of as a very calm, collected and conservative person. I would always think things through and act within a certain frame work, which resulted in me being the nerd and ‘holly’ one. Over the weekend things took a drastic change. I decided to use all of my allowance on alcohol and just party the whole weekend away. I went to places like Friars and Rat and Parrot where I normally don’t go and danced my heart away not missing out on a drop of alcohol. I even played the role of Santa clause and bought drinks for all my friends and drinking very expensive drinks. On Friday night I mingled with random people from my law and journalism classes, making a fool out of my self or so I think, because they now are giving me these puzzled stares. Late Friday night or should I say very early Saturday morning I had a fight with one of the guys that live in my residence. He decided it good to push me into a bush, where I laid for quite some time, scratching my face. I decided not to work or let’s rather say due the alcohol and the HUGE hangover I decided to be very productive in bed and slept the whole day, waking up in time for supper and another epic night out. I got ready to go out and spent what’s left of my allowance. As the night progressed and the drinks more I started to tango and dance all sorts of ballroom and hip-hop dances. During this process of showing off my dancing skills I banged my head against the wall, causing even more embarrassment. So basically I had an epic, awesome, scandalous time and this blog entry, stays here… if I catch anyone who talks about this or look at me funny I'll be on your case!!!

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